Audiology Clinic in Ghana

Sound Proof Room
Elder Leishman and Dan showing the almost complete
hearing test room in the audiology clinic

In January, Elder and Sister Leishman arrived in Ghana for a five month humanitarian service mission. Elder Leishman is a retired audiologist. They had returned from a proselyting mission in Indiana a few months earlier. The Church donated some equipment including a large sound proof testing room to Korle-bu Hospital. Elder Leishman was asked to come to Ghana to "advise" on the installation of the equipment and help establish an audiology clinic. When he arrived, the project construction was underway. He discovered the large testing room was one he had installed at Primary Childrens Hospital in Salt Lake City many years earlier. It had been moved to Utah State University, and was then donated to Korle-bu through the Church. The large sound proof room allows unintimidating testing of young children.

Dan Elder Leishman and Dan
Dan Tumpi, an employee at the clinic,
operates the testing station
Elder Leishamn and Dan

Hearing Aid Test Equipment Ear Piece Equipment
Testing station for hearing aids Equipment for making ear pieces

Elder Leishman's contributions were clearly "second mile" quality. Before coming, he contacted friends and former associates in the audiology community and was able to bring several boxes of additional donated equipment. He got involved in every detail of the construction. Some things had to be redone to meet his quality standard. He purchased tools so he could help ensure the quality of the workmanship. His efforts were noticed by everyone, including the hospital administration. In a very short time, he became a respected role model. He not only got the job done, he got it done right. Dan said that Elder Leishman gave them the vision of how things should be. This may be of more real value to the hospital than the donated equipment.

Elder Markham being set up for testing
During our visit to the clinic, Elder
Leishman tested our hearing. The test
confirmed that Elder Markham can't
hear higher pitches (like Sister
Markham's voice) in his left ear.
Elder Markham being tested

Sister Markham being set up for testing Sister Markham being tested
Elder Leishman prepares Sister Markham
for a hearing test.
Sister Markham is now certified
to have "radar ears."

Elder and Sister Leishman Elder and Sister Leishman
Many Ghanaians with hearing problems
will be blessed by the efforts of
Elder and Sister Leishman.
The sign overhead is a testament
to faithful service by a dedicated
couple from Centerville, Utah.

Korle-bu Hospital Photos

Korle-bu Hospital Korle-bu Hospital
Korle-bu is a very large teaching
hospital located in central Accra.
The sprawling campus includes
several multi-story buildings.

Korle-bu Hospital Korle-bu Hospital
Korle-bu pediatrics ward
is always busy.
Children's and women's health
are getting much needed attention.

Korle-bu Hospital Korle-bu Hospital
This is an interesting name
for the E. R.
Does the sign on the right refer to
Laura's profession (Registered Dietition),
or Aunt Mary's work (Hospice Nurse)?

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